Using CheckStateClassifier (Vision)

Shirates/Vision recognizes check state ([ON]/[OFF]) of the image.

Sample code

Getting samples



    fun airplaneModeSwitch() {

        scenario {
            case(1) {
                condition {
                    it.screenIs("[Android Settings Top Screen]")
                }.action {
                    it.tap("Network & internet")
                }.expectation {
                    it.screenIs("[Network & internet Screen]")
            case(2) {
                condition {
                    it.detect("Airplane mode")
                }.action {
                }.expectation {
                    it.detect("Airplane mode")
            case(3) {
                action {
                }.expectation {
                    it.detect("Airplane mode")

Running test

  1. Set os in to run as android (default is android).
## OS --------------------
  1. Right-click on airplaneModeSwitch() and select debug to run test.


You got test results files in TestResults directory(~/Downloads/TestResults is default).


checkIsON, checkIsOFF

checkIsON and checkIsOFF is implemented as follows using CheckStateClassifier.

 * checkIsON
fun VisionElement.checkIsON(
    classifierName: String = "CheckStateClassifier",
    containedText: String = "[ON]",
    waitSeconds: Double = testContext.syncWaitSeconds,
    message: String? = null,
): VisionElement {

    val command = "checkIsON"
    val assertMessage = message ?: message(id = command, subject = subject, replaceRelative = true)

    val context = TestDriverCommandContext(null)
    context.execCheckCommand(command = command, message = assertMessage, subject = subject) {
            containedText = containedText,
            message = assertMessage,
            classifierName = classifierName,
            waitSeconds = waitSeconds
    return this

 * checkIsOFF
fun VisionElement.checkIsOFF(
    classifierName: String = "CheckStateClassifier",
    containedText: String = "[OFF]",
    waitSeconds: Double = testContext.syncWaitSeconds,
    message: String? = null,
): VisionElement {

    val command = "checkIsOFF"
    val assertMessage = message ?: message(id = command, subject = subject, replaceRelative = true)

    val context = TestDriverCommandContext(null)
    context.execCheckCommand(command = command, message = assertMessage, subject = subject) {
            containedText = containedText,
            message = assertMessage,
            classifierName = classifierName,
            waitSeconds = waitSeconds
    return this
