Learning images (Vision)

Shirates/Vision integrates machine learning tool(CreateML) in test running process.
You can utilize the power of image classification in your test code.
Just put template image files in labeled directories of classifiers.


DefaultClassifier is an image classifier for template matching.
The name of parent directory of the image corresponds to the label.

A label directory has at least one child image file. Basically you may prepare one image file for one label.
Label name is arbitrary, but we recommend notation like [Nickname].


CheckStateClassifier is the classifier for toggle widget states. This classifier has only two label ([ON] and [OFF]).

In above example, radio button and switch is supported.
If you want to support checkbox state, append images into [ON]/[OFF] directory and run learning.

Running learning

To run learning explicitly

Right-click CreateMlExecute (src/test/kotlin/batch/CreateMLExecute.kt) and select Debug 'CreateMLExecute'.

You don’t have to run learning explicitly. Learning is executed on demand when you start run your test.

Console output

Connected to the target VM, address: '', transport: 'socket'
Copying jar content createml/MLImageClassifier.swift to /Users/wave1008/Downloads/TestResults/2025-01-28_133942
Copying jar content createml/MLImageClassifier.swift to /Users/wave1008/Downloads/TestResults/2025-01-28_133942
lineNo	[elapsedTime]	logDateTime	{testCaseId}	macroDepth	macroName	[logType]	timeDiff	mode	(group)	message
1	[00:00:00]	2025/01/28 13:39:42.978	{}	0	-	[info]	+0	C	()	Starting leaning. [CheckStateClassifier]
2	[00:00:01]	2025/01/28 13:39:44.361	{}	0	-	[info]	+1383	C	()	Learning completed. (in 1.340 sec)
["/Users/wave1008/github/ldi-github/shirates-core-vision-samples_en/build/vision/classifiers/CheckStateClassifier/MLImageClassifier.swift", "/Users/wave1008/github/ldi-github/shirates-core-vision-samples_en/build/vision/classifiers/CheckStateClassifier", "-noise", "-blur"]
dataSourceName: CheckStateClassifier
dataSourcePath: file:///Users/wave1008/github/ldi-github/shirates-core-vision-samples_en/build/vision/classifiers/CheckStateClassifier/
options: ["-noise", "-blur"]
featureExtractor: Image Feature Print V2
Number of examples: 16
Number of classes: 2
Accuracy: 100.00%

True\Pred [OFF] [ON]  
[OFF]     8     0     
[ON]      0     8     

Class Precision(%) Recall(%)
[OFF] 100.00          100.00         
[ON]  100.00          100.00         

Model saved to /Users/wave1008/github/ldi-github/shirates-core-vision-samples_en/build/vision/classifiers/CheckStateClassifier/CheckStateClassifier.mlmodel
3	[00:00:01]	2025/01/28 13:39:44.367	{}	0	-	[info]	+6	C	()	[learning [CheckStateClassifier]] in 1.631 sec
4	[00:00:01]	2025/01/28 13:39:44.368	{}	0	-	[info]	+1	C	()	Starting leaning. [DefaultClassifier]
5	[00:00:04]	2025/01/28 13:39:46.888	{}	0	-	[info]	+2520	C	()	Learning completed. (in 2.520 sec)
["/Users/wave1008/github/ldi-github/shirates-core-vision-samples_en/build/vision/classifiers/DefaultClassifier/MLImageClassifier.swift", "/Users/wave1008/github/ldi-github/shirates-core-vision-samples_en/build/vision/classifiers/DefaultClassifier", "-noise", "-blur"]
dataSourceName: DefaultClassifier
dataSourcePath: file:///Users/wave1008/github/ldi-github/shirates-core-vision-samples_en/build/vision/classifiers/DefaultClassifier/
options: ["-noise", "-blur"]
featureExtractor: Image Feature Print V2
Number of examples: 29
Number of classes: 28
Accuracy: 100.00%

**** (upperleft 20-by-20) ****
True\Pred                                                                      @a[Android Files App][Images Button]                                           @a[Android Files App][This week Button]                                        @a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][Apps Icon]               @a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][Battery Icon]            @a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][Connected devices Icon]  @a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][Display Icon]            @a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][Location Icon]           @a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][Network & internet Icon] @a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][Sound & vibration Icon]  @a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][Storage Icon]            @a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][System Icon]             @a[Android Settings App][Network & internet Screen][Airplane mode Icon]        @a[Android Settings App][Network & internet Screen][Calls & SMS Icon]          @a[Android Settings App][Network & internet Screen][Data Saver Icon]           @a[Android Settings App][Network & internet Screen][Hotspot & tethering Icon]  @a[Android Settings App][Network & internet Screen][Internet Icon]             @a[Android Settings App][Network & internet Screen][SIMs Icon]                 @a[Android Settings App][Network & internet Screen][VPN Icon]                  @a[misc][RadioButton(OFF)]                                                     @a[misc][RadioButton(ON)]                                                      
@a[Android Files App][Images Button]                                           1                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              
@a[Android Files App][This week Button]                                        0                                                                              1                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              
@a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][Apps Icon]               0                                                                              0                                                                              1                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              
@a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][Battery Icon]            0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              1                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              
@a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][Connected devices Icon]  0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              1                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              
@a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][Display Icon]            0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              1                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              
@a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][Location Icon]           0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              1                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              
@a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][Network & internet Icon] 0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              1                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              
@a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][Sound & vibration Icon]  0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              1                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              
@a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][Storage Icon]            0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              1                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              
@a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][System Icon]             0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              1                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              
@a[Android Settings App][Network & internet Screen][Airplane mode Icon]        0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              1                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              
@a[Android Settings App][Network & internet Screen][Calls & SMS Icon]          0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              1                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              
@a[Android Settings App][Network & internet Screen][Data Saver Icon]           0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              1                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              
@a[Android Settings App][Network & internet Screen][Hotspot & tethering Icon]  0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              1                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              
@a[Android Settings App][Network & internet Screen][Internet Icon]             0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              1                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              
@a[Android Settings App][Network & internet Screen][SIMs Icon]                 0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              1                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              
@a[Android Settings App][Network & internet Screen][VPN Icon]                  0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              1                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              
@a[misc][RadioButton(OFF)]                                                     0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              1                                                                              0                                                                              
@a[misc][RadioButton(ON)]                                                      0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              0                                                                              1                                                                              

Class                                                                          Precision(%) Recall(%)
@a[Android Files App][Images Button]                                           100.00          100.00         
@a[Android Files App][This week Button]                                        100.00          100.00         
@a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][Apps Icon]               100.00          100.00         
@a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][Battery Icon]            100.00          100.00         
@a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][Connected devices Icon]  100.00          100.00         
@a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][Display Icon]            100.00          100.00         
@a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][Location Icon]           100.00          100.00         
@a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][Network & internet Icon] 100.00          100.00         
@a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][Sound & vibration Icon]  100.00          100.00         
@a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][Storage Icon]            100.00          100.00         
@a[Android Settings App][Android Settings Top Screen][System Icon]             100.00          100.00         
@a[Android Settings App][Network & internet Screen][Airplane mode Icon]        100.00          100.00         
@a[Android Settings App][Network & internet Screen][Calls & SMS Icon]          100.00          100.00         
@a[Android Settings App][Network & internet Screen][Data Saver Icon]           100.00          100.00         
@a[Android Settings App][Network & internet Screen][Hotspot & tethering Icon]  100.00          100.00         
@a[Android Settings App][Network & internet Screen][Internet Icon]             100.00          100.00         
@a[Android Settings App][Network & internet Screen][SIMs Icon]                 100.00          100.00         
@a[Android Settings App][Network & internet Screen][VPN Icon]                  100.00          100.00         
@a[misc][RadioButton(OFF)]                                                     100.00          100.00         
@a[misc][RadioButton(ON)]                                                      100.00          100.00         
@a[misc][←]                                                                    100.00          100.00         
@i[iOS Settings App][Accessibility Icon]                                       100.00          100.00         
@i[iOS Settings App][Action Button Icon]                                       100.00          100.00         
@i[iOS Settings App][Apple Intelligence & Siri Icon]                           100.00          100.00         
@i[iOS Settings App][Camera Icon]                                              100.00          100.00         
@i[iOS Settings App][Developer Icon]                                           100.00          100.00         
@i[iOS Settings App][General Icon]                                             100.00          100.00         
@i[iOS Settings App][Screen Time Icon]                                         100.00          100.00         

Model saved to /Users/wave1008/github/ldi-github/shirates-core-vision-samples_en/build/vision/classifiers/DefaultClassifier/DefaultClassifier.mlmodel
6	[00:00:04]	2025/01/28 13:39:46.893	{}	0	-	[info]	+5	C	()	[learning [DefaultClassifier]] in 2.525 sec
Disconnected from the target VM, address: '', transport: 'socket'

Process finished with exit code 0


Result files are output at build/vision/classifiers.


This is the result mlmodel file.


This is the console log (see above Console output).


This is the running script.

import CreateML
import Foundation

let arguments = CommandLine.arguments
if arguments.count < 2 {
    print("path to data source is required")
let options = arguments.filter { $0.starts(with: "-") }

var revision = 2
if let opt = options.first(where: { $0.starts(with: "-fp:")}) {
    if let r = Int(opt.components(separatedBy: [":","="]).last!) {
        revision = r

let dataSourcePath = arguments[1]
let dataSourceURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: dataSourcePath)
let dataSourceName = dataSourceURL.lastPathComponent

print("dataSourceName: \(dataSourceName)")
print("dataSourcePath: \(dataSourceURL)")
print("options: \(options)")
print("featureExtractor: Image Feature Print V\(revision)")

// data source URLs
let trainingDataURL = dataSourceURL.appending(path: "training")
let testingDataURL = dataSourceURL.appending(path: "test")

// data sources
let trainingData = MLImageClassifier.DataSource.labeledDirectories(at: trainingDataURL)
let testingData = MLImageClassifier.DataSource.labeledDirectories(at: testingDataURL)

// model parameters
var augmentation = MLImageClassifier.ImageAugmentationOptions()
if options.contains("-noise") {
if options.contains("-blur") {
if options.contains("-crop") {
if options.contains("-exposure") {
if options.contains("-flip") {
if options.contains("-rotation") {
let modelParameters = MLImageClassifier.ModelParameters(
    validation: .split(strategy: .automatic),
    augmentation: augmentation,
    algorithm: .transferLearning(
        featureExtractor: .scenePrint(revision: revision),
        classifier: .logisticRegressor

// training
let classifier = try MLImageClassifier(trainingData: trainingData, parameters: modelParameters)

// evaluation
let evaluation = classifier.evaluation(on: testingData)

// save
var parent = dataSourceURL
parent.append(path: "models")
let modelURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "\(dataSourcePath)/\(dataSourceName).mlmodel")
try classifier.write(to: modelURL)

print("Model saved to \(modelURL.path)")
