Branch function (ifStringIs, ifStartsWith, etc) (Vision)

You can use branch functions for string.


function description
ifStringIs The code block is executed if specified string is value.
ifStartsWith The code block is executed if specified string starts with value.
ifContains The code block is executed if specified string contains value.
ifEndsWith The code block is executed if specified string ends with value.
ifMatches The code block is executed if specified string matches the regular expression
elseIfStringIs The code block is executed if specified string is value on all of the preceding conditions do not match.
elseIfStartsWith The code block is executed if specified string starts with value on all of the preceding conditions do not match.
elseIfContains The code block is executed if specified string contains value on all of the preceding conditions do not match.
elseIfEndsWith The code block is executed if specified string ends with value on all of the preceding conditions do not match.
elseIfMatches The code block is executed if specified string matches with the regular expression on all of the preceding conditions do not match.
ifElse The code block is executed on all of the preceding conditions do not match.

Sample code

Getting samples



    fun ifStringIsTest() {

        scenario {
            case(1) {
                action {
                    "ABC".ifStringIs("ABC") {
                        describe("in ifStringIs")   // executed
                    }.ifStartsWith("AB") {
                        describe("in ifStartsWith") // executed
                    }.ifContains("B") {
                        describe("in ifContains")   // executed
                    }.ifEndsWith("C") {
                        describe("in ifEndsWith")   // executed
                    }.ifElse {
                        describe("in ifElse")   // NOT executed
            case(2) {
                action {
                    "ABC".ifStringIs("ABC") {
                        describe("in ifStringIs")   // executed
                    }.elseIfContains("AB") {
                        describe("in ifStartsWith") // NOT executed
                    }.elseIfContains("B") {
                        describe("in ifContains")   // NOT executed
                    }.elseIfContains("C") {
                        describe("in ifEndsWith")   // NOT executed
                    }.ifElse {
                        describe("in ifElse")   // NOT executed
            case(3) {
                action {
                    "ABC".ifStringIs("a") {
                        describe("in ifStringIs")   // NOT executed
                    }.ifStartsWith("b") {
                        describe("in ifStartsWith") // NOT executed
                    }.ifElse {
                        describe("in ifElse")   // executed
