Quick Start (Shirates/Vision) for macOS


See Tested Environments before installation.

Note: AI-Vision feature is for only macOS currently.


Install following prerequisite tools.

Note: Do not use OS account with username contains non-ASCII characters or white spaces. Some of following tools don’t work well.

IntelliJ IDEA

If you have not installed, download Ultimate or COMMUNITY and install it. (COMMUNITY is opensource product)


Android Studio

If you have not installed, download Android Studio and install it.


Xcode (Mac only)

If you have not installed, search Xcode in App Store and install it.

Command Line Tools for Xcode (Mac only)

If you have not installed, open terminal window and run this command.

xcode-select --install

Homebrew (Mac only)

If you have not installed, go to https://brew.sh/ and install it.

Java Development Kit (JDK)

If you have not installed, search installation guide and install it.

node & npm

If you have not installed, install it.

(for Mac)

You can install NPM with brew. Open terminal window and type these.

brew install node
node -v
npm -v

Note: Use newer version to avoid troubles of installing appium.


New install

npm install -g appium
appium -v

If you are already using appium, update to the latest version.

Update install

appium -v
npm uninstall -g appium
npm install -g appium
appium -v

See Tested Environments to get tested version.

UIAutomator2 driver

New install

appium driver install uiautomator2

Update install

appium driver list
appium driver uninstall uiautomator2
appium driver install uiautomator2
appium driver list

See Tested Environments to get tested version.

XCUITest driver(Mac only)

Install XCUITest driver.

New install

appium driver install xcuitest

Update install

appium driver list
appium driver uninstall xcuitest
appium driver install xcuitest
appium driver list

See Tested Environments to get tested version.

Setting Environment Variables (Mac only)

Set environment variables in initializing script (.zshrc or others).


export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/Users/$USER/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/emulator:$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/tools:$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/platform-tools:$PATH

Note: Execute log out/log in to take effect above settings.


export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/home/$USER/Android/Sdk
export PATH=$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/emulator:$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/tools:$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/platform-tools:$PATH

Setting up AVD (Android Virtual Device)

Create AVD for demo

  1. Open Android Studio.
  2. Select menu Tools > Device Manager.
  3. Click [+].
  4. Select Pixcel 8 and click Next.
  5. Select UsideDownCake 34 Android 14.0 (Google Play) and click Next (Google Play Store is required for demonstration using Calculator app). Select arm64 image for Mac.
  6. Set AVD Name to Pixel 8(Android 14).
    Set Enable device frame off.
    Click Finish

Setting up shirates-vision-server

  1. Get shirates-vision-server from shirates-vision-server.
  2. Open the project (open Package.swift with Xcode). Wait a while for the background process to finish.
  3. Select Product > Destination > My Mac.
  4. Select Product > Run. You can see [ NOTICE ] Server started on


Let’s see demonstration.

Getting shirates-core-vision-samples

  1. Get shirates-core-vision-samples_en from shirates-core-vision-samples_en.

Opening Project

  1. Open shirates-core-vision-samples_en project directory in Finder.
  2. Right click build.gradle.kts and open with IntelliJ IDEA.

Enable right-click test running

  1. IntelliJ IDEA > Settings (or File > Settings)
  2. Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle
  3. Set Run tests using to IntelliJ IDEA

Run AndroidSettingsVisionDemo

  1. Open shirates-core-vision-samples_en project in IntelliJ IDEA,
    right click on kotlin/demo/vision/AndroidSettingsVisionDemo
    and select Debug ‘AndroidSettingsVisionDemo’
  2. You’ll see logs in the console like this.
  3. Click the link to open the log directory.
  4. Open _Report(simple).html.

  5. Open AndroidSettingsVisionDemo@a.xlsx.

Run iOSSettingsVisionDemo

  1. Open shirates-core-vision-samples_en project in IntelliJ,
    right click on src/test/Kotlin/demo/vision/iOSSettingsVisionDemo
    and select Debug ‘iOSSettingsVisionDemo’
  2. You’ll see logs in the console like this.
  3. Click the link to open the log directory.
  4. Open **_Report(simple).html **.

  5. Open iOSSettingsVisionDemo@i.xlsx.
